Subject Re[2]: [IBO] TIBOBackupService/TIBORestoreService
Author Ramil
Hello Dmitry,


Steve, I'm sorry for my oversight.

Anyway Gbak.exe gives more possibilities IMHO.

Best regards,
Ramil R. Khabibullin khabibr@...

> Hello, Ramil!
> You wrote to "Steve Harp" <> on Thu, 20 Apr 2006
> 12:09:12 +0600:

R>> I can recommend directly using gbak.exe for the full control over
R>> process.
R>> You can simply terminate process of Backup/Restore.

> Use IBOAdmin package. Available in "Contributed Code" area at IBO home site.

> WBR,Dmitry Beloshistov AKA [-=BDS=-]