Subject Re: allowing program to use either gds32.dll or fbclient.dll based on settings
Author russellbelding
IBO treats IB_GDs32 as a constant so I assume you need to solve
this another way. Before connecting to a DB you need to know which of
gds32 or fbclient you will use. You could, messy though it sounds,
write a pre run program to discover which of fbclient or gds32 to use
then call one of your two main programs.

--- In, "robertgilland" <rjk1996@...> wrote:
> Currently in IB_Constants it says this:
> // This is the name of the InterBase Client DLL (API) that is used.
> // Use the unit IB_Session511.pas as the first item in the uses
> // of your project to change this variable to use an alternate
> // client library.
> IB_GDS32: string = 'gds32.dll';
> However we want this to be configurable by the program,
> in some instances we want it to use the interbase 'gds32.dll' in
> other cases we want it to use 'fbclient.dll'
> We do not want to have seperate versions of our program because the
> RDBMS is different at client sites.
> Has IBObjects been updated to allow this?
> Regards,
> Robert.