Subject Re: [IBO] Backups hanging
Author Artur Anjos

I had similar problems with clients that use Windows 98. I never saw
something like this in XP.
It just hangs in the middle of something. If you try again, it works.

This just happens with embedded server, and not all the times. In 10
times, 7 just work ok.
On one client, we solve the problem updating the C Library. But this
client is not trusty in feedbacks, so I really would like some more
input on this.
Can you please check the version of your msvcp*.dll files ?


Steve Harp wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm having a recurring issue where the Firebird (v1.5.2.4731) backup
> is hanging up. I'm using a TIBOBackupService component to backup
> database_name.fdb and create a database_name.fbk. On rare occasions,
> the backup is failing and leaving the fbk open. This open file causes
> future attempts at a backup to also fail. The only solution we've
> found is to stop/start the service.
> Is there something I've missed in my implementation? Has anyone else
> seen this and is there a solution?
> Thanks,
> Steve