Subject Re: [IBO] How can I create persistent fields
Author Woody
From: "sergiogarciaruso" <sergiog@...>
> --- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@...> wrote:
> >
> > At 10:00 AM 21/02/2006, you wrote:
> > >Hi.
> > >How can I create persistent fields with a TIB_Query component? I'm
> using D7
> > >and IBO v4.5.0
> >
> > TIB_Query doesn't support persistent fields. (TIBOQuery does.)
> >
> > Can you explain what you need to do?
> >
> > Helen
> >
> Well, I need to write an OnChange event handler to respond to some
> changes in the field's data. I did it using TIBOQuery, but I want to
> use iboControls's components, and they doesn't work with native
> TDatasource component.

IIRC, you can use the OnAfterModify event of the field by assigning a method
to the field in question. You can use the AfterOpen event of the TIB_Query
to assign the method to the field using something like:

MyQuery.FieldByName('MyField').OnAfterModify := FieldChanged;


Woody (TMW)