Subject Re: [IBO] Dumb calc fields question
Author Robert martin

That works great. Since I am asking stupid questions this morning, why
not one more !

How do I change the position of the fields in a grid? I use the
'FieldProperties' property of the TQuery to handle formatting etc but
dont see where the position is handled?

Rob Martin
Software Engineer

phone +64 03 377 0495
fax +64 03 377 0496

Wild Software Ltd

chef_007@... wrote:

>>--- Ursprüngliche Nachricht ---
>>Von: Robert martin <rob@...>
>>Betreff: [IBO] Dumb calc fields question
>>Datum: Wed, 08 Feb 2006 09:24:20 +1300
>>I am using the TIB_Query component and have defined a calc field.
>>In the Oncalc event I have the following code, which returns results but
>>not the correct results !
>> if (AField.FieldName = 'ETA') then begin
>> AField.AsDateTime :=
>> end;
>Try ARow.ByName('NextShipDate').AsDateTime;
>otherwise your not fetching the value from the buffer row that is currently
>processing your event handler but instead from the row that is the currently
>selected one.
>>Do I need the 'if (AField.FieldName = 'ETA') then begin '. Is this
>>code run once per row or once for each column in the row?
>it's run for each calculated field.
>>ARow.Statement.FieldByName('NextShipDate').AsDateTime; Is not returning
>>the correct date. (no date at all). What is the correct way to access
>>other field data?
>>Rob Martin
>>Software Engineer
>>phone +64 03 377 0495
>>fax +64 03 377 0496
>>Wild Software Ltd
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