Subject Re: [IBO] Where are the 4.6Bc missing patch files?
Author tickerboo2002
> No, it's not stable. v4.6B, although lacking some Fb 2.0 support, is
> the last known stable subrelease.
> >Can anyone tell me where I can obtain the patch files for this release
> >please? They are not available on the IBO site from what I can see.
> Please contact me privately if it is urgent; alternatively, wait
> until Jason sees your message and can give you a pinpoint date for
> IBO 4.7 (currently in late beta).

Thanks. I don't need FB2 supoprt at this point so I will use v4.6B,
of which I have the raw source version.

I sent a message to you yesterday (via Yahoo) asking for the patch
files. Ignore that if you receive it.