Subject Re: [IBO] changing KeyLinks, MasterLinks etc to use aliases
Author Helen Borrie
At 07:35 AM 30/11/2006, you wrote:

>Hi all,
>I'm currently investigating what it takes to adjust my source code for
>FB 2.0 and IBO 4.7. I've read the IBO release notes and followed the
>FB and IBO mailing lists.
>So far it seems the biggest hurdle will be adjusting all my dataset
>properties to use alias names instead of table names.

I think you need to read the Firebird 2.0 release notes too! :-)

The aliasing rule doesn't require you to adjust all your dataset
properties to use alias names instead of table names. It requires
you to be *consistent* in your use of table aliases. So I guess if
you have any queries where you use both table identifiers and aliases
in the same statement then your projection will be true.

Re Trond's statement:


Trond said "it works fine". If so, then Trond is using Fb 1.5. This
statement is syntactically incorrect and should throw an exception at
the Prepare in Fb 2.0 and a warning in Fb 1.5 because no R.* alias
was provided. So that has been incorrect syntax for some years already.

A second point here is that a single-table statement that has no
correlated subqueries should not use aliases. The proper syntax for
Trond's statement, in both 1.5 and 2.0, is


>Since my app may
>have a few hundred TIB_Query and TIB_Cursor components I would very
>much like some automatic conversion - or at least some assistance with
>adjusting the affected properties.

SELECT * FROM Rate R should be corrected to either:

or, supposing the statement contains a correlated subquery:

(select rl.exchange_factor from Rate_Lookup rl
where R.currency = rl.Currency) as exchange_factor
from Rate R

Note that something like the following would be allowed in 1.5:

(select Rate_Lookup.exchange_factor from Rate_Lookup
where R.currency = Rate_Lookup.Currency) as exchange_factor
from Rate R

It's not allowed in 2.0. Really, this is the nub of the Fb 2.0
change: enforcement of table identification in multi-table queries
came in 1.5. Fb 2.0 requires the usage of aliases OR table
identifiers to be consistent.
