Subject RE: [IBO] Pulling my hair out: ParamByName stopped working
Author Alan McDonald
> I'd be grateful for any assistance with this which is driving me nuts.
> This procedure calls a query which successfully returns all rows if I
> comment out the ParamByName line in the procedure and the parameter in
> the query.
> If I remove the commenting out, zero rows are returned, even though
> the variable "curr_proj_version" is correctly set and there are
> definitely rows in the table that match. I can manually enter the
> chosen value for "curr_proj_version" in the query and open the dataset
> and get the required rows.
> Any ideas why this might not be working?
> Thanks
> Mitch

there could be many reasons why this doesn't work. you need to show us the
table definition as well as the value you are assiging to the parameter.
But mainly I suspect that it is because you are not aliasing the pversion_id
field when assigning the parameter and this field is also in one or more of
the other tables.
If you are using FB2 then this ambiguity would not be tolerated but earlier
versions will accept it and provide unexpectd results if no aliasing is

> procedure TfrmProjectContainer.SpecificationsTabShow(Sender: TObject);
> begin
> with DataModule5 do
> begin
> if not IBODatabase1.Connected then
> IBODatabase1.Connect;
> if qryCurrProjSpecs.Active then
> qryCurrProjSpecs.Unprepare;
> qryCurrProjSpecs.prepare;
> with qryCurrProjSpecs do
> ParamByName('Var_PVERSION_ID').asinteger := curr_proj_version;
> qryCurrProjSpecs.Open;
> end;
> end;
> =====
> qryCurrProjSpecs:
> select
> spec.spec_id,
> spec.pversion_id,
> spec.spec_descr,
> spec.supplier_ref,
> spec.unitcost_est,
> spec.unitcost_act,
> spec.approved,
> spec.unitdelivcost,
> spec.act_leadtime,
> spec.est_leadtime,
> spec.spec_active,
> spectype.name_eng spectype_name,
> spec.specattr_fabric_id,
> spec.specattr_misc_id,
> spec.specattr_elec_id,
> uom.code uomcode,
> party.shortname supplier_shortname,
> spec.spectype_id
> from spec
> inner join spectype on (spec.spectype_id = spectype.spectype_id)
> inner join uom on (spec.uom_id = uom.uom_id)
> inner join party on (spec.supplier_id = party.party_id)
> where
> (
> (pversion_id = :var_PVERSION_ID)
> )