Subject | Re: [IBO] Empty error/exception message in TIBODataset |
Author | Helen Borrie |
Post date | 2006-11-14T06:17:24Z |
At 04:23 PM 14/11/2006, you wrote:
privately, providing your community username and password, and I'll
fix you up with the patch. If you are using the evaluation version,
you can go back to IBO 4.6B, which is available at the Downloads page.
If you can wait until tomorrow, IBO 4.6C should be out, with the bug solved.
>I have encountered the same problem. I didn't even know i had it,You actually requoted the answer yourself, from Ramil (who made the patches):
>until I ran your sample PriceList App and made a purposeful mistake in
>the qrPricelist.SQL to see how the error is reported. In
>TIB_SESSION.HandleException, at the raise EIB_ISCError.CreateISC...
>line, a dialogue pops up and displays all the error details.
>Conversely, in my sample app, which uses TIBO components, that DOESN'T
>happen! (ie. a dialogue appears withe message:
>Project Projecy1.EXE raised exception EIBO_ISCError with message ''.
>Process stopped. Use Step or run to continue.
>Inspection of the variables at that point (tmpText, errocode[0] and so
>on) reveals that they are empty)
>After stepping through to beyond TIB_Statement.Prepare, a new
>MessageDlg type window appears with a nice big red x on smartie and an
>ok button. No error message to speak of!
>This is making debugging my paradox-conversion project a real pain in
>the proverbial to debug.
>Any suggestions?
> I have used IBO version 4.6Bc with last hotfix and not encounteredSo - if you need it today, and you have a source licence, contact me
> this problem.
> It seems the bug is peculiarity of 4.6Bc version only.
> I strongly recommend rollback to the earlier IBO version or wait
> for new release from Jason.
> It will issue soon.
privately, providing your community username and password, and I'll
fix you up with the patch. If you are using the evaluation version,
you can go back to IBO 4.6B, which is available at the Downloads page.
If you can wait until tomorrow, IBO 4.6C should be out, with the bug solved.