Subject Re: [IBO] Firebird performance / IBO
Author Robert martin

The record is a small linking record with two bigInt fields.

Im not sure about the performance yet but we are talking about 20% of
the job done in 3hrs (with the slow method), although there is more to
the process than just this table. I don't know how many records to
expect yet but it appears to be adding about 1150 records per second at
the moment.

Which seems pretty good?

Machine is a AMD Athalon 3000 with IGB Ram. An is being used for other
development while this process takes place.

I have just retested and the performance is down to 666 records per sec
(evil sounding isn't it :) )

Me thinks I need to deactivate an index :)

Rob Martin
Software Engineer

phone +64 03 377 0495
fax +64 03 377 0496

Wild Software Ltd

Svein Erling Tysvaer wrote:
> Robert martin wrote:
>> Jason Wharton wrote:
>>>> Not sure if this question should be here or the Firebird list but
>>>> thought the component might have some impact.
>>>> If I have to do millions of inserts into a table is it quicker to do
>>>> a) Check to see if record exists, if not add it
>>> No, this is very inefficient.
>> Ta. This is how we are currently doing it :-(
> That should be: Hooray, we can improve this ;o)
> How long is each record and what kind of performance do you typically get?
> Set
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