Subject RE: [IBO] loading gds32 dll or fbclient dll
Author Alan McDonald
> I am trying to use IBO 4.6bc
> I do not use any components.
> I only use IB_Header and IB_Session
> It is not loading gds32.dll how do I force It to do so?
> Regards,
> Robert.

you mean to tell us that you are sophisticated enough to limit your use of
IBO to IB_Header and IB_Session but incapable of doing a text search (grep)
on gds32.dll to find that a constant (IB_GDS32) is set in IB_Constants.pas
and then in IB_Session it is opened with:
if not OpenClientLibrary(PChar(IB_GDS32)) then
??? you are kidding us aren't you?