Subject Re: [IBO] IBO & Application.HandleException
Author Martijn Tonies
> there are several exceptions I end up swallowing - i.e not reporting to
> user but handling it myself in code.

That's not swallowing, that's handling :-)

> So in the service application, I end up handling it myself when IB raises
> in my application level with this call.
> I have my own exception handler which does not end up shoing a dialog box.
> but yes - if you have dlls hosted by other applications then you may need
> modify the source.

Yep, it seems so.

I would like to ask Jason to review his usage of calls to
Application.HandleException and see how they can be replaced.
For example, there are loops that call this method on an exception,
and continue looping -- this would have to be handled otherwise,
I think.

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL, NexusDB, Oracle &
MS SQL Server
Upscene Productions
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