Subject RE: [IBO] mysterious ntddl.breakpoint on ib_session.ReleaseSessionHookRef
Author Jason L. Wharton
This seems like appropriate behavior to me.

Jason Wharton

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of G. Nau
> Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 3:43 PM
> To:
> Subject: [IBO] mysterious ntddl.breakpoint on
> ib_session.ReleaseSessionHookRef
> D7Prof, IBO 4.5.Ai
> I'm observing my IDE jumping into the CPU debugger on program exit (even
> on a button click with halt(0) on the main form).
> The final application outside delphi also continues to live as a zombie
> process on program exit (no window visible, but still existing in
> Taskmanager).
> The CPU debugger says:
> ntdll.DbgBreakPoint: int3
> ret
> The debug stack says:
> ReleaseSessionHookRef <<<<!!!!!!!
> FinalizeUnits
> @Halt0
> @Halt(???)
> Tform.Button1Click($336B710)
> .....
> So the int3 happens on the ibsession.releaseSessionHookref called from a
> loop in system.FinalizeUnits; (that's finalizing all included units, which
> registered finalization procedures)
> Anybody has any idea about that or seen that before?
> Or is it a leftover debugger trigger in one of Microsoft latest patches
> (installed by Windows update service)?
> Regards
> Gunther