Subject RE: [IBO] IBTransactions
Author Jason L. Wharton
> I have developed an engine in Delphi 5 using IBO 3.0. Now
> i want to convert it into Delphi 2006 which uses IBO 4. The problem
> here arise is the following.
> I used the Transaction_single control in delphi 5. But
> when i tried to copy and paste the .pas and .dfm files to Delphi 2006,
> got an error message indicating Transaction_single is not available.
> What i have to do? Please help.

Look in the BDE to IBO Conversion guide and it will show you how to use the
tool called GReplace and in this tool you can put in a setting that will
automatically go through your entire project and replace
TIB_Transaction_Single with TIB_Transaction. I believe once you do this you
should not have any additional problems.

As Set mentioned, I figured out a way to consolidate all this functionality
into a single comprehensive component so it is all you need.

As a side-note to what Set wondered: In order to do more than two database
connections you simply use a method at runtime to add in or remove
additional connections. It's much like managing a TList of connections. I
didn't figure something of this complexity needed design-time property

Jason Wharton