Subject Re: [IBO] F2 to Edit
Author Geoff Worboys
> it appears to me that the grid was just not responding to F2
> at all. There is nothing else on the form. no key preview.
> keydown events etc. I've done it again on a blank project and
> form with the grid only and F2 does nothing

I took a quick look (concerned because I use it some of my
apps). F2 does try to do something but it is prevented from
turning edit on by the DataSource.AutoEdit=False setting.

I dont notice it in my app because I have a form "edit" button
that runs around and turns on auto-edit when the form goes
into edit mode (and off again after commit). So I am not sure
if it was always like this, I suspect it was.

I am not certain whether it makes sense this way. I mean the
F2 key is just calling datasource.edit and that seems logical.
But if want F2 to be required (not allow autoedit) then you
need autoedit turned off and then F2 wont work at all. Would
not be hard to "fix", although it may mean yet another option
to avoid breaking any existing apps that rely on the current

Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing