Subject RE: [IBO] Is it possible to only create selects when a form is requested?
Author Marcelo Machado
Thanks Jason!!!


--- Jason Wharton <jwharton@...> wrote:

> > My database possesses many fields in several
> forms. Is
> > it possible to only create selects when a form is
> > requested?
> > I would like to only make that through the
> > application. (I use IBO)
> > How can I make that?
> This sounds to me like you are wondering if you can
> change your SQL
> statement during your programs execution instead of
> just setting it once at
> design-time. The answer is you can change the SQL
> property of your dataset
> at run-time and send a new query to the server.
> An example could look like this:
> MyQuery.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM MYTABLE';
> There are also propertis that help you parse the
> SELECT statement some. If
> you only want to change the WHERE clause then you
> can do this:
> MyQuery.SQLFrom.Text := 'FROM MYTABLE'
> MyQuery.SQLWhere.Text := 'WHERE MYTABLE.ID = 100';
> Then, when you look at your SQL property those
> chunks of SQL are parsed into
> it where they belong.
> Hope this helps,
> Jason

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