Subject RE: [IBO] How to get the record id that was just stored with a query
Author Alan McDonald
> > If I store a record using just a query (data generated in code,
> no visual
> > components involved), and there is a generator in the FB
> database that gives
> > the record a new ID, is there a "clean" way to get the newly
> generated ID
> > value back? Hackable with an extra field, setting it to some
> identifiable
> > value and then querying that value back, but that seems a bit dumb.
> >
> > This is in Delphi 2005, using IBO 4.5 and FB 1.5.
> If you are using IBO then this is not too difficult. Assuming you are
> working with TIB_Query, you only have to set the property
> GeneratorLinks: MyTable.ID=GEN_MyTable
> It is then IBO which pulls the next ID before posting the dataset and
> hence knows the value.
> Or you can define a stored procedure which receives all the fields
> except the next ID. Within the procedure it pulls the next ID, posts the
> complete set to the table and sends back the newly created ID with a
> return parameter.
> Florian

a 3rd way is to ask for the ID in the AfterInsert event with
IB_Dataset.FieldByName('ID').AsInt64 := IB_Dataset.Gen_ID('GEN_name',10);
