Subject Re: [IBO] Screen Refresh after changing SQLWhere clause to slow
Author rudi_josic
--- In, "Woody \(TMW\)" <woody-tmw@g...>
> From: "Frank" <FrankBKK@g...>
> > I use a TIB_Query to access a table where I store two kind of
> > informations - normal products and spareparts data.
> >
> > in my application I use a TpageControl to display them
> > separated but on a single form anyway.
> >
> > Switching the Tabs between Spareparts and Products I have to
> > change the SQLWhere clause like
> >
> > iqProducts.SQLWhere.Text := 'WHERE PRODUCTS.PRODUCT_TYP=''SPT''';

why don't you try to use filter?

i use something like you do and i use the filter not the sqlwhere and
it's works for me.

try something like:

iqProducts.filtered = false;
iqProducts.filter := 'PRODUCTS.PRODUCT_TYP=''SPT'''
iqProducts.filtered = true;

i hope it helps