Subject Re: [IBO] TIBOQuery Problem ?
Author Lester Caine
Hans wrote:

> Hello Jason,
> TIBOQuery .. Version 4.5B
> qryGeneral2->Close();
> qryGeneral2->SQL->Text = "update period_value_daily r set sale = sale -
> :sale, on_hand = on_hand + :quantity, qty_sold_out = qty_sold_out -
> :quantity ";
> qryGeneral2->SQL->Text += ",cost_of_sale = cost_of_sale - ( :avgcost *
> :quantity ) ";
> qryGeneral2->SQL->Text +="where trackingdate = :saledate and item_code =
> :itemcode";
> qryGeneral2->Prepare();
> for (int i = 0;i < dtm_Sales->qryGeneral2->ParamCount; i++)
> ShowMessage(String(i) + " - " +
> dtm_Sales->qryGeneral2->Params->Items[i]->Name);
> Results only in
> 0 - sale
> 1 - quantity
> and no more
> salesdate, avgcost and itemcode are not part of the Params

Just a couple of quick questions ( I'm on my way out to site :( )
If you change the second :quantity to :qx, do you get all + qx?
If you access
(May not be format)
Does it give an error?
What is given if you put the text of your update directly into IB_SQL?
Just a few things to check as I don't have time to look at present, and
it may give you a workround or point better to the bug!

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services