Subject Re: [IBO] How would I go about making a grid show this classification
Author Lester Caine
Antti Kurenniemi wrote:

> I don't know the proper term for this, but I think it's quite common thing
> to do: I have a customer table, and a classification table. Each customer
> can have n different classifications, so there is an intermediate table
> linking customer_id to classification_id.
> Now, I want to show the classifications on a window with the customer data
> (a grid or a list). I was able to do the master-detail stuff with the
> samples, as well as lookups, but this one I couldn't figure out myself.
> Could someone point me to some document explaining how to do this, or better
> yet, is there a sample available? If my explanation wasn't clear, let me
> know and I'll try to make more sense ;-)

Sounds more like an SQL problem than IBO?

The detail query is :-
SELECT T.classification_title FROM classification T
JOIN classification_link L ON T.classification_id = L.classification_id
WHERE L.customer_id = :CU_ID

Link :CU_ID to the master record

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services