Subject RE: [IBO] How to Sync IB_Query with Tdataset IBOQuery
Author Adrian Wreyford
Wow Helen .. You just blow my mind .. Works perfectly, wasn't aware of the

Thanks a stack!!!!


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Helen Borrie
Sent: 15 May 2005 03:08 PM
Subject: Re: [IBO] How to Sync IB_Query with Tdataset IBOQuery

At 02:54 PM 15/05/2005 +0200, you wrote:
>I'm generating reports using ReportBuilder.
>Thus I supply the data for the report using IBOTDataset.
>I Have a IBOQuery linked to the ppDBPipeline.
>Now to be able to use IBObjects IB_Searchbar, that is linked to IB_Query1
>a form, with a number of IB_edits which are used to create the selection
>Now this all works as expected. I can populate the IB_Query1 with the data
>require, but how to make IBOQuery1 = IB_Query1, so that I can use the same
>resultset for my report.
>It must be simple, and probably overlooking something here?

Have you tried MyIBOQuery.AssignSQLWithSearch(MyIBQuery)?


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