Subject Re: [IBO] Firebird and Interbase on the same machine
Author Helen Borrie
At 01:39 PM 12/05/2005 +0000, you wrote:

>Thanks for the reply Helen. It sounds like Jason needs to add a few
>properties to the TIB_Connection component. My application requires
>that I create an order in Firebird and then submit the order to an
>Interbase database. In other words, a single application needs to use
>both server engines. I think your solution would work but an
>enhancement to the component that allowed the user to specify the
>client library and port seems like a better solution. Am I right or
>have I misunderstood the problem?

I'm not sure whether you do or not....Running two servers isn't necessarily
your main problem. Have you thought how you are you going to connect to
both servers, each needing its own client library, from a single client
program? Run two programs beneath some kind of marshaling program, perhaps?
