Subject Re: [IBO] dataset with boolean
Author Andreas Hesse
Salvatore Besso wrote:
> hello Harvey,
> maybe you can use an AfterScroll event for your query:
> begin
> MyLookupCombo.Enabled := MyQuery.FieldByName('RELEVANT').AsBoolean
> end;
> Remember that to use the AsBoolean property you have to define that field as
> Boolean in the ColumnAttributes property of the query:
> or, if you want to specify also the Boolean values the field can assume:
> or
> or whatever... The True value is the first.
> Salvatore

Or you work with properties of the column.
If the column is readonly you can open the combobox but you cannot
change the value.
So write an AfterScroll event, for example:
procedure DataAfterScroll(IB_Dataset: TIB_Dataset);
var col1,col2: TIB_Column;
col1 := IB_Dataset.FindField('Relevant');
col2 := IB_Dataset.FindField('LookupKeyField');
if Assigned(col1) and Assigned(col2) then begin
col2.ReadOnly := col1.AsBoolean;

And don't forget to write an AfterInsert event to enable the column
there for inserts
(like code above, but only with col2.ReadOnly := false;).

To make sure that nobody could change the lookupKeyField you can write
a Before Update Trigger.
