Subject Re: [IBO] Passive mode
Author Helen Borrie
At 06:53 AM 11/03/2005 +0000, you wrote:

>I don't know if it's a bug or not, but TIB_Script.Executing was
>getting stuck on TRUE, and when I tried to use TIB_Script again I got
>the error message that, after taking a look at your source code, now I
>understand: "Executing already or not in Passive mode" - means exactly
>what it means: "TIB_Script is already executing or it is not in
>Passive mode"!
>Do You think it could be getting stuck because of my 'ugly' Commit?
>Here's a snippet of what solved my problem:
>procedure TDM.LimpaTabelas;
> if (SplashForm <> NIL) and SplashForm.Showing then begin
> SplashForm.ShowMessage('Limpando tabelas...');
> end;
> try
> dscScript.SQL.Text := 'update Visitante ....'; /// a valid script
> SaveSQLToFile('LimpaTabelas', LoginForm.pUSERCODE, dscScript.SQL);
> dscScript.Execute;
> /// -------------- I ADDED THESE LINES
> while dscScript.Executing do begin
> /// Will wait forever?
> /// I have to do something here to avoid an endless loop
> end;
> /// -----------------------------------
> dscScript.IB_Transaction.Commit;
> except
> on E: Exception do LogError('DM.LimpaTabelas EXCEPTION: '+E.Message);
> end;

Actually, your problem could be actually one very simple thing.
Instead of this:

dscScript.SQL.Text := 'update Visitante ....'; /// a valid script

SaveSQLToFile('LimpaTabelas', LoginForm.pUSERCODE, dscScript.SQL);

Make it this:

with dscScript do
SQL.Add (a command );
SQL.Add(another command );
SQL.Add(#13#10); /// <----------------------------------- !!!!!
SaveSQLToFile('LimpaTabelas', LoginForm.pUSERCODE, dscScript.SQL);

One thing - although I think IBO strips out statement terminators when it
passes each statement to ExecuteImmediate, I consider it a good practice to
include them (except on that last CRLF, of course!) The CRLF is an
absolute requirement in ISQL scripts, the problem being that, if you don't
include it, the filesystem appends the EOF char to the last statement and
you will get an exception. Using the SQL.Add() method *should* take care
of string termination, whereas using the Stringlist.Text property could be
expected to give you improper termination. Hence your Execute may simply be
waiting interminably for a next statement that never comes.

<preach on> I always treat the Text property of a stringlist as
read-only: I never assign to it. TStrings are used everywhere in IBO as a
very convenient, predictable way to store sets of program data. A
TIB_Script, by nature, is a component designed to process multiple
statements in an indexed order. It defeats the purpose to assign a "jumble
of characters" to the Text property.

You really should bomb-proof scripts. I really don't like the idea of
using scripts for everyday DML, either, and especially not across a slow wire.
<preach off>
