Subject [IBO] IBO and TRichview - is it working with IBO native DB access?
Author G. Nau
you might be right, but how do I connect the necessary Datasource
(TDataset compatibel) to the IBO native IB_Datasource/IB_Query?
I have a quite complex logic around the IB_Query and don't like to
double everything and try to keep in sync a IB_Query and TDataset-
Query on the same form.


Am 4 Mar 2005 um 6:49 hat Lester Caine geschrieben:

> G. Nau wrote:
> > Go it.
> > Hmmm, it's better than the standard RichEditor, but
> > TRichView(.com) is much more like an integrated wordprocessing.
> > I'd like to use that if possible. I've tested TRichView with Tdataset
> > DB access and it works. But then I'll have to use a mix of IBO native
> > and TDataset components on a number of forms, which is not
> > something I'd like to do.
> > So I'm looking for a wrapper or adapted TRichView, which might get
> > it linked to native IBO db components. Maybe somewhere here in
> > the mailing has already a solution available .... ?
> Have a look at the code in TIB_MenuedRichEdit and see if you can copy it
> to use TRichView, but to be frank, using the odd TDataset component is
> not a problem especially when it provides a complete set of it's own
> facilities. DBPlanner just gets used like any other IBO native grid in
> my applications.
> --
> Lester Caine
> -----------------------------
> L.S.Caine Electronic Services
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