Subject Re: [IBO] Most efficient way to fetch next alphabetical row
Author Robert martin

I might be off track but I suspect the following would do the trick

SELECT FIRST 1 fullname FROM mnames WHERE fullname>'SMITH,JOHN' ORDER BY

SELECT FIRST 1 fullname FROM mnames WHERE fullname<'SMITH,JOHN' ORDER BY

Rob Martin
Software Engineer

phone +64 03 377 0495
fax +64 03 377 0496

Wild Software Ltd

terriertech wrote:

> Dear all,
> I have a table containing names. When a user requests a particular
> name, I want to also fetch the neighboring names in an alphabetical
> sense. Example: viewing SMITH,JOHN; previous: SMITH,JAMES; next:
> The SQL I am using is:
> SELECT fullname FROM mnames WHERE fullname>'SMITH,JOHN' ORDER BY
> fname;
> SELECT fullname FROM mnames WHERE fullname<'SMITH,JOHN' ORDER BY fname
> So I want to fetch the first row from each result set. There is an
> index on the fullname column. The table contains maybe 50K names and
> is accessed over a low-speed connection, so doing a client-based
> 'locate' is unviable.
> Here is the problem: In IBX, simply opening two datasets with the
> above SQL and reading the first record works FINE. But when I use
> IBO, it is MUCH slower depending on the position of the name. For
> example, fetching the 'next' name when the current one starts with Z
> is as fast as IBX, but fetching the previous name is horribly slow.
> Converse applies if the current one starts with A.
> I am probably doing something wrong or suboptimally, can anyone help
> me? Here is skeleton code.
> TIB_Cursor* ibd = new TIB_Cursor(NULL);
> ibt->StartTransaction();
> ibd->IB_Transaction = ibt;
> ibd->IB_Connection = pDatabase;
> ibd->MaxRows = 1;
> ibd->SQL->Clear();
> ibd->SQL->Add([as above]);
> ibd->Prepare();
> ibd->Active = true;
> ibd->First();
> rec_count = 0;
> while (!ibd->Eof && rec_count++ < 1) {
> name = ibd->Fields->Columns[0]->AsString;
> ibd->Next();
> }
> ibd->Active = false;
> etc.
> I don't believe this is to do with the server sorting the names, since
> IBX runs fast. I'm open to just about any solution except creating
> generators (I need to do the same thing for many other tables).
> Just a side note with the code... the value '1' is actually passed as
> a parameter and is not hard-coded, hence the ibd->Next(). If the 1
> were hard-coded, I know this could be omitted.
> Thanks!
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