Subject Re: [IBO] Efficient Lookups
Author johnnorthrup34
If I add a persistent lookup field to my a dataset, is that a live lookup?

--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@t...> wrote:
> At 04:20 AM 17/12/2005 +0000, you wrote:
> >What's the best way to handle lookup fields when performance over a
> >remote connection is important?
> Don't use live lookups! Use a tib_combobox and populate it once
using a
> tib_cursor. If you want to use the same lookups in different
places, load
> the data into a couple of TStringlists and just assign them to your
> controls as required.
> If you need to refresh the controls (or your stringlists) during a
> write a function to do all the stuff. You can use arguments to make
> function quite generic.
> IMHO, live lookups are tres cool on desktops. They're tres cool on
> networks too, for the first half-dozen times they're used. Most of the
> time, they're just unnecessary noise. On slow networks they are
> dispensible. IMHO, of course. I cringe sometimes at how developers
> (Delphi developers especially) compromise the gee-whiz features of the
> database engine in favour of the gee-whiz features they think their
> want to play with. I hold tight to the belief that UIs should be a
> front-end to a database and against the belief that a database
should be
> the back-end to a UI.
> My opinions about gee-whiz UIs are undoubtedly old-fashioned, yup. :-))
> Helen