Subject Re: Preventing Auto login
Author clivewalden

Thanks for the prompt response.
If you can address my responses below that would be great.

>>Am I missing some obvious property value in IB_Connection?
> Yes. Several.
> What you get as default depends on whether you are using a
> component directly or indirectly (through a TIBODatabase). The
> ib_connection default is psNone, while ibodatabase overrides it to
> psNotSecure, to be consistent with the VCL.

Well who would have thought of that<s>?

I set TIB_Connection.PasswordStorage to psNone and had no idea
iboDatabase was overriding it. I am not using a TIBODatabase. BUT I am
using IBODatasets (so I can use generic DB aware components, not
just IBObjects own flavors). Is that the same thing?

How do I FORCE it back to psNone?

> Simply, *don't* use the Params property for storing things that
> you need to be volatile.

I am not; but clearing the IB_Connection password property on
disconnect is working OK.

> On the subject of exception message interpretation, IBO delivers the
> messages that come from the database.
Thanks for the advice.
