Subject | Re: Problem with IB_Session in a TRemoteDataModule |
Author | rugbyjocker |
Post date | 2005-11-03T12:23:34Z |
Hey hey!
I've continued what is now 2 days of searching to get an answer and I
think I've found it... using a TIB_Connection instead and setting the
protocol to TCP_IP from local seems to work. Something about
firebird's client dll not being thread safe.
Is this the way to go?
I've continued what is now 2 days of searching to get an answer and I
think I've found it... using a TIB_Connection instead and setting the
protocol to TCP_IP from local seems to work. Something about
firebird's client dll not being thread safe.
Is this the way to go?
--- In, "rugbyjocker" <rugbyjock@b...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to rig up a remote data module (multi-instance, apartment
> threaded) that has a TIBODatabase component on it, and that creates a
> series of child remote data modules all created as 'internal'. My
> TIBOQueries and data providers all live on these child remote data
> modules. This works fine until two clients try to talk to the server
> at once. Then the server locks up completely.
> I've now made a new app with a single remote data module that is set
> up as multi-instance and apartment threading, and on there I put a
> TIBODatabase, a TIBOQuery and a data provider. Same problem. I've
> tried adding a TIB_Session to the module, and assigning it to the
> TIBODatase's and TIBOQuery's IB_Session property in the constructor.
> It makes no difference. I feel like I'm fishing here.
> If I change the threading model of the remote data module to 'single'
> then it works fine, so clearly the problem lies with the way multiple
> threads are talking to IBObjects (seeing as there is NOTHING else on
> the data module at all).
> I know I'm doing something daft here, but I can't see what it is.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Regards
> Sandy MacPherson
> For reference, here is the remote data module as it stands...
> unit TestRDM;
> interface
> uses
> Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, ComServ, ComObj, VCLCom,
> DataBkr, DBClient, prjAppServer_TLB, StdVcl, Provider, DB, IBODataset,
> IB_Components, IB_Session;
> type
> TTestServer = class(TRemoteDataModule, ITestServer)
> db: TIBODatabase;
> qry: TIBOQuery;
> prv: TDataSetProvider;
> session: TIB_Session;
> procedure RemoteDataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
> private
> { Private declarations }
> protected
> class procedure UpdateRegistry(Register: Boolean; const ClassID,
> ProgID: string); override;
> public
> { Public declarations }
> end;
> implementation
> {$R *.DFM}
> class procedure TTestesServer.UpdateRegistry(Register: Boolean; const
> ClassID, ProgID: string);
> begin
> if Register then
> begin
> inherited UpdateRegistry(Register, ClassID, ProgID);
> EnableSocketTransport(ClassID);
> EnableWebTransport(ClassID);
> end else
> begin
> DisableSocketTransport(ClassID);
> DisableWebTransport(ClassID);
> inherited UpdateRegistry(Register, ClassID, ProgID);
> end;
> end;
> procedure TTestesServer.RemoteDataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
> begin
> db.IB_Session := session;
> qry.IB_Session := session;
> end;
> initialization
> TComponentFactory.Create(ComServer, TTestesServer,
> Class_TestesServer, ciMultiInstance, tmSingle ??? tmApartment??);
> end.