Subject RE: [IBO] cache data manipulation & many data insert
Author Jason Wharton
> have 2 related questions:
> is it possible to work (primary editing) with the cached data (do I
> need to set retrieve all data before manipulation?) and then post all
> data to the DB (is it possible with the DSQL component insert dataset
> data with the one call or there is a loop needed?); are client
> datasets slower solution?
> I have situation, that I need to work with the small amounts of data,
> but without lag - working speed is the top criteria as timing for some
> operations would be very tight (delaying would mean breaking schedule)

Use a TIB_Query with CachedUpdates set to true, then you can make inserts
and work with those records until it is time to call ApplyUpdates and commit
the changes in one quick batch update process.

Jason Wharton