Subject RE: [IBO] IBO QRY Component Editors
Author Jason Wharton
I don't know what to do about this particular problem.
If anyone else has had it I hope to hear about it.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sean Mathews [mailto:sean@...]
> Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 7:33 AM
> To:
> Subject: [IBO] IBO QRY Component Editors
> Hey All
> Last week I wrote about the component editors for TIB_Query
> not working
> for me. (The editors that allow you to set SQL, COLUMN Values, run
> queries etc). When I double click the query it defines the default
> method in the code instead. I un-installed the editors
> package, rebuilt
> it and installed it, and the editors worked. However, when I
> close the
> environment and reload, I have to go through the whole process again (
> the editors package needs to be uninstalled, rebuilt, and
> re-installed).
> This situation is happening on two different machines (Both D2005, IBO
> 4.5 Installer, XP SP2), both from a clean install without any previous
> instances of Delphi installed. Is this a known problem, and if so, is
> there a cure?
> Sean

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