Subject Re: [IBO] Eval auto installer
Author Helen Borrie

At 01:32 PM 11/01/2005 -0700, you wrote:

>Hello Jason,
>After autoinstall to C5.
>1. Open a new project with Form, add a TIBODatabase component
> It compiles and runs clean.
>2. Add TIB_MonitorDialog component.
> It compiles with following errors
>[Linker Error] Ununable to open 'CUSTOMEDITENH.RES'
>[Linker Error] Ununable to open 'IBC_EDITENH.RES'
>[Linker Error] Ununable to open 'IBC_SPINEDITENH.RES'
>[Linker Error] Ununable to open 'CUSTOMSPINEDITENH.RES'
>[Linker Error] Ununable to open 'IBF_WISQL.DFMS'
>[Linker Error] Ununable to open 'IBF_WISQL_IMAGES.RES'
>[Linker Error] Ununable to open 'USEARCH.RES'
>3. Remove the TIB_MonitorDialog component.
> It compiles again with following errors
> and the same for a Rebuild
>[Linker Error] Ununable to open 'CUSTOMEDITENH.RES'
>[Linker Error] Ununable to open 'IBC_EDITENH.RES'
>[Linker Error] Ununable to open 'IBC_SPINEDITENH.RES'
>[Linker Error] Ununable to open 'CUSTOMSPINEDITENH.RES'
>[Linker Error] Ununable to open 'IBF_WISQL.DFMS'
>[Linker Error] Ununable to open 'IBF_WISQL_IMAGES.RES'
>[Linker Error] Ununable to open 'USEARCH.RES'
>Just can't get rid of the linker errors, till you start a new project.
>Any Ideas ?

This will be a path problem. Make sure your library path includes the IBO
root directory (or wherever the installer placed your RES files). The
4.5Ai installer (at least) doesn't write it. It took me quite a bit of
searching and messing about to locate pieces and update the search paths
