Subject Re: [IBO] "transaction_has_no_connections"_error (Done)
Author Filipe Belchior

Hi, error done... I found, "A MISTAKE".

In then last statement,

TIB_Cursor.sql.text :=
mysql_1 + customFunction_1 + ... //more

In the "customFunction_1", code:

with uDM.DM do //uDM is Unit and DM is DataModule
Free; // "MISTAKE"

--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@t...> wrote:
> At 09:21 PM 15/09/2004 +0000, you wrote:
> >Assign a connection to the TIB_Cursor (again, for sure!)
> >
> >Add a SELECT to the TIB_Cursor
> >Open
> >close
> >
> >Add a executable procedure to a TIB_DSQL
> >Execute
> >
> >Assign a connection to the TIB_Cursor (again too, for more sure!)
> >
> >Add another SELECT to the TIB_Cursor
> >Ope..<crash>
> OK, if you are seriously asking for help, show us the actual code
you are
> using to do this
> AND show us the SQL for each case
> AND explain what you mean by "crash".
(transaction_has_no_connections is
> not a database error; so do you see anything in the server log to
> correspond with this?)
> Helen