Subject Re: [IBO] Problem in binding cursor?
Author Helen Borrie
At 08:56 PM 10/09/2004 +0000, you wrote:

>Hi All,
>I'm using a TIBOQuery's DeleteSQL property to delete a record and
>getting the error "Problem in BindingCursor". The systax of the
>DeleteSQL is
>execute procedure spUpdateMajorSetup
>(:MajorID, :MajorName, :GroupID, 'Y');
>where it's calling a stored procedure. The stored procedure works
>fine in IBExpert.
>The SQL statement for the query is
>select ma.MajorID, ma.MajorName, ma.GroupID, gr.GroupName
>from xMajor ma
>join xGroup gr on gr.GroupID = ma.GroupID
>where ma.MajorID = :MajorID
>My KeyLinks is set to xMajor.MajorID which is the primary key of the
>xMajor table.
>The strange thing is that I'm using essentially the same type of
>process with another query object and a different (but similar)
>stored procedure in another part of the program and it works fine.
>What am I missing?

The Keylinks here have to be enough to uniquely identify each row in the
set. MajorID is not enough, since multiple rows will potentially have the
same MajorID. Adding GroupID is not enough either, since GroupID is
apparently not unique in the xMajor table, giving rise to mulitple output
rows having the same MajorID + GroupID. So include the PK of the xGroup
table in the query output and add it to the Keylinks as well; and include
it as an input parameter for the InsertSQL. Unless there is more that
you're not telling, that should be sufficient to uniquely identify the rows
that the DeleteSQL's parameters will target.

Note, you don't have to display xGroup's PK - you can set its Visiible
ColumnAttribute to False.
