Subject [IBO] Re: Using TIBODatabase instead of TIBDatabase
Author karlzeift
--- In, Daniel Rail <daniel@a...> wrote:
> Hi,
> At August 20, 2004, 11:19, karlzeift wrote:
> > I was thinking there was another component inheriting from
> > TIBDatabase, that would allow me to connect my other component.
> > seems that IBO wont work for me. I cant replace the other
> > I'm afraid.
> I don't know of any other component that inherits from TIBDatabase.
> One piece of information you haven't mentioned. What is the
> you are talking about?
> --
> Best regards,
> Daniel Rail

It is a persistence controller in the Bold for Delphi framework.
There are contollers for Bde, Ib, Ado and DbExpress. The Ib needs to
be connected to a TIBDatabase. I could connect to a Bde driver too,
but that seems to be the same problem with that one.

