Subject Re: QReport & IBObjects
Author moczaz
> m> But I still have a problem when recompiling FreeReport. It
needs a
> m> package I don't have: IBO_D6. I only have IBObjects Evaluation
> m> and Delphi6 DCU Pack. I guess I need IBO sources to recompile
> m> FreeReport with IBO support, or am I missing something else?
> You must fix your freerep6.dpk. Replace line "IBO_D6" (this IBO
3.x package)
> to
> , IBO40CRT_D6,
> IBO40FRT_D6,
> IBO40TRT_D6,
> IBO40VRT_D6,
> and recompile. IBO sources not required for compile FreeReport.

I tried, I got some error messages:
[Error] FR_Class.pas(5411): Undeclared identifier: 'DataSet'
[Error] FR_Class.pas(5430): Undeclared identifier: 'DataSet'
[Fatal Error] fr_dbset.pas(82): Could not compile used
unit 'FR_Class'

Why is that?
