Subject RE: [IBO] Re: Simple Way to Refresh a single Row
Author Jason Wharton
Yes, this is most likely the problem here.
Using invalidaterownum() is what you want.
Nice work Lucas!

Jason Wharton

-----Original Message-----
From: Lucas Franzen [mailto:luc@...]
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: [IBO] Re: Simple Way to Refresh a single Row


>>a) try the InvalidateRowNum method of the IBOQuery
>>b) set any of the BufferSynchroFlags:
>>( bsBeforeEdit, bsAfterEdit, bsAfterInsert )
>>to TRUE.
> I'd try all these options without a good result.... when i use
> InvalidateRowNum(Dataset.RecNo) in the AfterPost event i only get an
> error: "An error Bindin Cursor"
> Any other choice ???, or how must i configure this IBOQuery for a
> good performance?

Well, I'm not using IBOQueries, so I never had this problem.

But it looks as if you haven't set your KeyLinks properly.
