Subject RE: [IBO] problems with SQL query
Author Jason Wharton
There is also MyQuery['acolname'] that will return a variant.
If you do MyQuery['*'] then you get a var array.
You can also list column names separated by semicolons to get a specific var

Jason Wharton

-----Original Message-----
From: Mihai Chezan [mailto:gsmcq@...]
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: [IBO] problems with SQL query

--- In, "Jason Wharton" <jwharton@i...>
> Use the FieldByName() method.
> Or, use the ParamByName() method.
> Other methods have you tied into variants instead of the native
> types and this can lead to unusual errors.
> Jason Wharton
Thank you.
So to conclude this:
there is no ib_query.Params['param name'] or
ib_query.Fields['column name']
and if you want to use the name of the column to get the TIB_Column
object then you use ib_query.ParamByName('param name') or
ib_query.FieldByName.('coulmn name')
and if you want just the value (as an variant) then you can use
ib_query.ParamValues['param name'] or
ib_query.FieldValues['column name']