> > Yes, I do a refresh. If I would have the TIB_Query.FetchWholeRows
> > property set to False, I use the method TIB_Query.RefreshKeys(it
> > will only refetch the row keys and not the whole row), otherwise I
> > use TIB_Query.Refresh.
> The problem with refresh is that if a user scrolls the grid from
> record 1 to record 500 and you then issue a refresh, all 500 records
> will be fetched again. Let's say that every record has 1 KB that means
that's not true - only the buffer will be refreshed
> 500 KB for a refresh and let's say 20 users hit the refresh at the
> same time resulting in 10 MB of data that is transfered over the
> network. If you have a 100 Mbit network that's almost all the capacity