Subject Re: Return values from stored procedure
Author sgharp
--- In, "constantijnw" <wolfs@x> wrote:
> > When I do this I get an error "FieldName: pSuccess not found".
> > component must need the return parameter defined somewhere.
> Strange. I have one erratum:
> dsql.sql := ...
> must be: dsql.sql.clear;
> dsql.sql.add('......
> I've run a test which worked ok (without extra settings).
> Are you sure 'psuccess' equals the name of the sp's outputpar?
> How does the sp look like?

I need to know how and where to specify the return parameter. This
is what I have in the SQL property of the TIB_DSql component:

execute procedure spGetLedgerID(:pVendorID, :pInvoiceNumber);

I don't know where or how to define the return parameter. I've
tried using key words like RETURNS or RETURNING_VALUES but they both