Subject Re: [IBO] How to declare variable in query?
Author Paul Vinkenoog
Hi Rafael,

> No .. is not this. I need to do in query ... like this:
> DECLARE varCount integer;
> begin
> SELECT Count(*) FROM Conta WHERE NomeConta = 'gugu' into varcount;
> if (varCount <= 0) then
> INSERT INTO Conta (NomeConta,IsAtiva) VALUES ('gugu', 1);
> This query works if I put in stored procedure, but not work if i put
> like:
> Ib_Query.sql.text :=
> DECLARE varCount integer;
> begin
> SELECT Count(*) FROM Conta WHERE NomeConta = 'gugu' into varcount;
> if (varCount <= 0) then
> INSERT INTO Conta (NomeConta,IsAtiva) VALUES ('gugu', 1);

You can't put that in a Query. A Query always contains a single SQL
statement. It can be complex and multiline, but it's still a single

For multiple statements in a row, and for procedure and trigger
definitions, you need a TIB_Script.

BTW, are you sure that "DECLARE varCount integer;" works? As far as I
know it must be "DECLARE VARIABLE".

Do you have the Firebird Quickstart Guide and the InterBase 6.0
documentation set, especially the Data Definition Guide? I think you
should study those. You can get them at

Paul Vinkenoog