Subject | Re: [IBO] Please help - can CommitAction := caFetchAll solve it? |
Author | Andreas Bednarek |
Post date | 2004-04-21T12:39:51Z |
> > Uhh, does that mean TIBOTable.Open creates a view in the database? I
> > expect that for TIBOQuery... (I'm not very experienced how exactly viewsthings
> > work so I hope I don't mess the terms now...) However, it seems that
> > are getting complicated, as I said in my previous post, refresh over alarge
> > dataset (view?) drastically decreases performance so I probably can'tuse
> > it... :-(Hello Lester,
> TIBOTable is just a simple wrapper. You SHOULD be able to use TIBOQuery
> in place of it, just create the SELECT xxx FROM yyy using the IBO tools.
> This can then be 'filtered' as required to reduce the number of records
> looked at. IBO will normally buffer what is has already seen, with
> RefreshKeys basically marking all records to be reloaded from the
> database when IBO needs to use them.
> ( Helen explains this better then me :( )
> --
my application exists for years and was converted from BDE to FB/IBO quite
recently, rewriting it still seems to be quite complicated (time expensive)
to me :-((
Thanks for info, however!