Subject Re: [IBO] Please help - can CommitAction := caFetchAll solve it?
Author Helen Borrie
At 12:05 PM 21/04/2004 +0200, you wrote:
>Thanks Helen, does that probably mean that caRefresh would do the same as
>TIBOTable.RefreshRows? If so I probably can't use it, because with a table
>with large record count my application became unusable with RefreshRows
>because of very low performance.
>On other tables it can be usable, which shall I use ten, caRefresh or

Large datasets are *not* a good idea for editing!!! (Actually, they are
not a good idea for *anything*. That's why we have a **query** language.).

However, RefreshKeys will be faster because, if your KeyLinks are good, IBO
can fetch just the new rows and update the dataset. With bad KeyLinks, RK
won't work.
