Subject Re: [IBO] Please help - can CommitAction := caFetchAll solve it?
Author Lester Caine
Andreas Bednarek wrote:

> I try to solve why after a record is inserted to a dataset it is not
> immediately visible when reading it. AutoCommit is true for all my TIBOTable
> components.
> In some parts of my application it is necessary to see always the most
> actual content of the datasets. I tried to set caFetchAll for the
> CommitAction property and it seems it helped, but I in fact don't know what
> this value does.

You will need to 'Refresh' any views of the data so that the other
Tables see the changes. Commit action makes it available to be viewed,
but until a view is refreshed it will not automatically show the new data.

This is an area where 'Events' can be useful. An event tells you that a
record has changed, and all programs monitoring that event then know to
refresh their views. But the crud way of doing this is just to refresh
on a timer event.

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services