Subject RE: [IBO] Spam Control
Author Helen Borrie
At 07:46 PM 16/04/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>I suggest to get an assistance pass. I mean, send am e-mail for each and
>everyone in the list, and those who respond to this e-mail and only to
>this e-mail, has some interest to stay in the group. In fact, I want to
>stay, even if I don't interact too much with the list.

It is not relevant to the list, which receives virtually no spam. If you
are getting spam through the list mail, it is because YOU need to go to
your own Yahoo account and set your preferences. Yahoo uses an "opt-out"
system: you get the spam that Yahoo sends you unless you specifically
select not to.

Jason is talking about the spam that he gets in his own mailbox. I know
what he's talking about, because I have two @... mailboxes and
the spam and virus messages are appalling, about 200 per day sometimes.

Personally, I think Jason should sack his ISP if they are not prepared to
put spam and virus filters on. Most ISPs do so now.
