Subject Re: [IBO] Trouble with Count(*)
Author Lucas Franzen

beside your (meanwhile solved problem) - yo oyurself a favour and make
it easier for yourself:

> My code now looks like this:
> var
> sSiteID : string;
> iNumStations : integer;
> qrySiteInfo : TIBOQuery;
> qryStationInfo : TIB_DSQL;
> begin
> // create the query objects
> qrySiteInfo := TIBOQuery.Create(Application);
> qryStationInfo := TIB_DSQL.Create(Application);

aren't they bound to any Database Component?

> with qrySiteInfo do
> begin
> // prepare the query to get each site name
> Active := False;
> SQL.Clear;
> SQL.Add('SELECT "SiteID" from "GeneralOptions"');
> // run the query, open the DataSet
> qrySiteInfo.Prepare;

you prepare the statement. ok

> qrySiteInfo.ExecSQL;

Now you execute a SELECT????

> Open;

After that your're opening it.


Now you're setting it to First (what for? Where do you expect the
dataset to be at?)

Now you're stepping through all your records, prepare and execute a
second query to get the count for every detail.

Have you ever considered sth. like:

SELECT G.SiteID, Count (*) as NumStations
from GeneralOptions G
JOIN StationInfo S on G.SiteId = S.SIteID

Let the server do the counting job, if it really has to be done (as
Helen said).
