Subject RE: [IBO] TIB_DataPump
Author Alan McDonald
> In IB_DataPump, the DstStatement can be any IB_Query or IB_Cursor etc. If
> you put your code previously listed as a stored procedure on the
> destination
> db and use a component to access it, the you can call the SP via "EXECUTE
> MYSP(paramlist...)"
> No?
> Alan
> Yes, Alan.
> That was my .... second or third thought( sp? ).
> I'll try it.
> Ciao
> If You come in Rome, have a payed launch....
> Ciao
> Arnaldo

you already have the code for it but remember my other comments - depending
on whether you have the oldparamlist setting on your server, IBO will not
propagate the parameter to multiple places, so assign the param to a
variable first then use it in multiple places.

PS I wouldn't mind lunch but if you've got a launch we can go fishing too