Subject RE: [IBO] TIB_DataPump
Author Alan McDonald
> Alan, I don't have a SP.
> I have two databases and I'm trying to copy( INSERT OR UPDATE )
> some data betweeen them.
> To do this I am using TIB_DataPump.
> But it can only INSERT or UPDATE.
> I need both, from here starts problems.
> I cannot manage existing data with SAME PK.
> I need something like TIB_Query UpdateSQL in DataPump.
> Seems impossible that TIB_DataPump cannot manage code to INSERT
> And Or UPDATE data.
> THANKS for Your time, Alan.
> Ciao
> Arnaldo

In IB_DataPump, the DstStatement can be any IB_Query or IB_Cursor etc. If
you put your code previously listed as a stored procedure on the destination
db and use a component to access it, the you can call the SP via "EXECUTE