----- Original Message -----
From: Alan McDonald
To: IBObjects@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2004 11:36 AM
Subject: RE: [IBO] TIB_DataPump
Can you try this ?
In your SP as below, declare a variable
Then in the first line of the SP assign your input parameter to the V_MYCODE
Then replace all :MYCODE below with V_MYCODE.
(3 places) and test.
Alan, I don't have a SP.
I have two databases and I'm trying to copy( INSERT OR UPDATE ) some data betweeen them.
To do this I am using TIB_DataPump.
But it can only INSERT or UPDATE.
I need both, from here starts problems.
I cannot manage existing data with SAME PK.
I need something like TIB_Query UpdateSQL in DataPump.
Seems impossible that TIB_DataPump cannot manage code to INSERT And Or UPDATE data.
THANKS for Your time, Alan.
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