Subject RE: [IBO] TIB_DataPump
Author Alan McDonald
> Hi All.
> I am trying to pass data along two databases ( Firebird 1.5 ).
> Same Structure.
> I am using TIB_DataPump.
> My problem is that I MUST do either an insert and an update.
> I setup an TIB_SQL to destination.
> Put code in it, but ONLY update data, refusing to INSERT saying:
> " Primary
> Key violation. etc. etc "
> Anyone has some help??
> Thanks
> Arnaldo
Have you checked that, in fact, you are not violating the PK? i.e. do you
have a pk trigger which checks for null values in the PK field? Are you
trying to insert duplicate PK values? Or are you pumping to an empty
database and forgetting to pump the pk field?